The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32729   Message #431785
Posted By: katlaughing
03-Apr-01 - 04:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
Subject: RE: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
Interesting article from the Taipei Times which says the remaining Chinese jet forced them to land and also that it was the other Chinese jet which attempted to slow the US aircraft down, by turning, and ran into it, instead of the US running into them.

Like Ebbie said in another thread, I alternate between holding my breath and sending all the good energy I can to everyone involved in the situation.

Whatever happened, I am sure the ultimate decision was a tough one, having to consider not only the international ramifications, but also the lives of 24 other fellow servicemen/women.

If you believe in a Higher Power, I'd suggest asking s/he/it to take over Bush et al about right now and sort it out.
