The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32699   Message #432074
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Apr-01 - 11:42 AM
Thread Name: The WORST Band You Were Ever In
Subject: RE: The WORST Band You Were Ever In
Justa - That was a true horror story! I wonder if Blind DRunk in Blind River was in that band? If not, he would wish he was! I wonder if they ever played Blind River? I can just picture them trolling the streets for "skanks"!

In my case, I have not been in very many bands, since I usually play solo, but I've been in a few here and there. I'd say the worst was an impromptu group that formed from 3 or 4 young fellas when I was visiting a communal community in Southern Ontario back in the 70's. I had ambitions to live in such a community at the time and was looking around for the right one (never did find it, however).

Anyway, these kids backed me on a couple of Dylan songs, with bass, drums, and guitar, as I recall. They had little or no idea what they were doing, and it was godawful. I particularly remember the drummer...he was BA-A-A-A-A-D! And I don't mean like Michael Jackson, either. Thankfully, it was over in less than half an hour.

- LH