The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32729   Message #432294
Posted By: JedMarum
03-Apr-01 - 02:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
Subject: RE: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
I am sure the pilot and crew did exactly as they were trained to do. The Chinese/American relationship is nothing like that of the cold war era ... yet, and let's hope it doesn't get there.

The continued holding of Americans by the Chinese government, the arrogant claim by the Chinese that the slow lumbering antique American aircraft was at fault, and the total disregard of Chinese authorities for the sanctity and privacy of the American aircraft is nothing short of outrageous! This from a country that buys our secrets, steals our technologies, refuses to honor World accepted standards for copyright and patents and monetary exchange - yet believes we should extend most favored nations, and world trade advantages to them?? I say f*ck 'em. If they insist on going their own; let 'em. If they need to have the rest of the world allow exceptions to the rules by which we all live, let 'em go their own way.

Suppose the accident occurred over the south of England, and Tony Blair laid blame on the American airplane, and placed our 24 airmen/women in jail, stripped the aircraft and downloaded all of its info. Would we all sit back and say, "well I hope Tony will see fit to do the right thing" ? Bush, Rice and Powell need to take this bull by the horns and let the Chinese know in no uncertain terms, whatthey have done is outrageous and will not be accepted by partners who play together in the same world economies.

China is excercising cold war behavior, but expect to be treated like friends.