The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32729   Message #432670
Posted By: Blackcatter
03-Apr-01 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
Subject: RE: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
I love the Mudcat because it frequently makes me expand my horizons.

Like now - I'm about to stand up for the U.S. Military (cringe)

No one knows exactly the situation that thos individuals faced, but I know a little about the training they have had and it is likely to be on par with nearly every major nation around the world. And unlike many nations, since there is a good chance the U.S. Military will get "involved" somewhere around the world, the training has to be realistic. For all the mistakes our personel have made over the years, there have been a great deal more of successful missions (think about how many times that crew flew the same route successfully.)

And as for China insisting that our prop recon airplane ran into their jet fighter (Ha, ha, ha, ha!) It sure doesn't say much for both their training and their equipment.

pax yall