The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32743   Message #432794
Posted By: Sorcha
04-Apr-01 - 02:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: United States BASHING Available HERE!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: United States BASHING Available HERE!!!!
Oh come on, guys.........he meant this as a fun, silly thing, and here you are all taking it way too serious!!!JesuCrapO, no place is perfect, unless it's a planet in SciFi.......and I haven't met very many of those either.

Jon, you are right........Canada, Australia and New Zealand would be my choices if I felt I needed to leave here. Freedom of THOUGHT is somehow really important to me.....also, freedom to perform what I think needs to be performed.....and there are bloody few places on the planet that allow either of those.Take a minute to think about Pete Seeger, Malvina Reynolds, Tom Paxton, Don MacLean, or even NEIL YOUNG trying to perform in a few other countries I can think of.......

Think Alexander Solginetzin (sp?), Salman Rushdie,James Joyce, Ezra Pound.......(I know, I know, there were authors who were banned in the US---Lawrence, Fitzgerald and others, and there are still schools in the US which ban books, but as a whole, the US has one of the most Open Societies on the planet now.

We have our problems, but so does Canada (the Quebecquois), Australia (Aboriginal rights),the UK has a monumental taxtation problem.......hey, everybody's got problems, but at least mine aren't as bad as Bosnia et. al., Afghani womens', or even some Ultra Orthodox Jewish women. At least nobody wants to kill me just because I am female, or a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant descendent.....(yet).

Matt, sorry for the typo that let in Columbia vs was just habit.