The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #162   Message #432806
Posted By: Joe Offer
04-Apr-01 - 03:18 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Senor Don Gato
Subject: RE: Senor Don Gato
Ah, the thread that never dies! JD, Click here for the U.S. version of the Natalie Merchant CD. No Don Gato, but some other cuts that look very interesting.
I did a Google Search (click) for "natalie merchant""don gato" and came up with quite a bit of information. Apparently, it IS the Don Gato we know, but it's on the DVD and not on the CD of the concert. The DVD also has a song called "Waterbound." I wonder if THAT's the one we know.
-Joe Offer-


Click here for Natalie's lyrics. Yes, it IS the "Don Gato" we know, and also the "Waterbound" we know. Natalie Merchant has gone trad!
-Joe Offer-