The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32776   Message #433072
Posted By: GUEST,Roll&Go-C
04-Apr-01 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A Poor Old Man Was Crossing the Road
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Poor old man crossing the road
Speaking of the hazards of crossing the road, I recently ran across a description of the "Year's Wackiest Accident" reprinted in the COFFEE NEWS, Vol. 5, Issue 42, April 2, 2001 – a irreputable source if there ever was one:

"It happened at a railway crossing in Britain, where a car stopped suddenly when it (sic) realized a train was approaching. A motorcyclist behind the car smashed into the back of the car, flipping the motorcyclist into the air. He (the motorcyclists) landed behind a horse and rider waiting at the crossing, which startled the horse, causing it to bolt. A man walking his dog rushed to the rescue, but not before tying his dog to the railway barrier. After the train passed by the barrier went up, taking the dog with it. The dog's owner hurt himself jumping to get his pet. Only the horse rider filed an insurance claim."

Maybe this story was why I began thinking about the above song. Maybe we should start a new song challenge!