The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32743   Message #433261
Posted By: gnu
04-Apr-01 - 04:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: United States BASHING Available HERE!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: United States BASHING Available HERE!!!!
Well ****. There goes all my fun. Not that I ever REALLY bashed the US or Canada... just tried to promote discussion between two interchangable groups, each with good/bad attributes.... mostly good. Had some fun, though.

BTW, to you Yanks that have said Canada would be one of your choices if you had to move, thanks. I consider that a compliment to Canada. I know I would only have one choice if I had to flee The True North.... God Bless America is a common saying around these here parts.

Good idea, Spaw. I was getting kind of worn out with the multitude of threads with the recurring theme. I was rather trepidatious about reading this one and did so only after getting bored with the others.