We had a band in the early eighty's called 'Leicester Violents'. We were probably the most unviolent band you're ever likely to find. I suppose it could be described very loosley as punk, and consisted of everyone playing any old thing on their instruments (drums, bass, guitar, clarinet)at once. We used to make 'albums' by recording live into a portable cassette recorder, the singer didn't have a mike so he just shouted into the built in microphone on the cassette recorder. The rest of the band got to know the tune & the words (made up as Dave went along) afterwards. We had about 2 live gigs - after one of these we were famously described as 'an abuse of the venue' - we were proud of this.I think the rest of them have grown up & got sensible jobs. i've got the sensible job but i'm still waiting to grow up & i still play in lots of bands.