The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32729   Message #433849
Posted By: GUEST,John Gray/Australia
05-Apr-01 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
Subject: RE: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
Amergin. Yeah, I'd like to think I was just as critical of our own stuff-ups. In 64 I was the youngest man at sea in our navy, 16. I was on our only carrier when it sliced one of our three destroyers in half, sinking it and killing 86 shipmates. On the 25th of this month we celebate Anzac Day. On this day in 1916 our troops stormed ashore at Gallipoli, landed in the wrong place, suffered massive casualties, and pulled out defeated 6 months later. This day has almost become our national day. Most people celebrate victories but only us Aussies can celebrate a defeat. In the 60's we let the Americans pressurise us into involvement in the Vietnam War. I did 2 tours of duty there in the navy. I reckon I was the only anti-Vietnam War sailor in our fleet. It's pretty lonely on a destroyer when your views are contrary to the rest of the crew. After a particularly heavy bombardment one day I said to my captain, "why are we here?". He stated that we are here because our gov't has sent us here. I replied that, if you want me to participate in killing people I don't even know then I need a better reason than that. He said, sorry I can't give you one. Thankfully, history proved my Vietnam stance to be the correct one, but our involvement in that war was an unholy stuff-up that nearly fractured our nation. And how about this. The political leader of Australia is our Prime Minister. But the constitutional head of our country is the Queen of England. She is not an Australian citizen - she is an alien. She exercises her authority through a resident Governor General. It is the Gov. Gen. who is the commander in-chief of our military forces. Therefore, our Prime Minister/parliament cannot order our armed forces to war without clearing it with the Gov. Gen.( and by extension - the Queen of England ). What other country would tolerate having a foreigner as a head of state? What a stuff-up. Can you imagine George Bush having to obtain permission from the King of Spain before he could call the country to arms. Ah well Amergin, there's some ammo for you.

JG / F.M.E.