The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32563   Message #434044
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Apr-01 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked-NINE!
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked-NINE!
I hardly care which one of them got more votes in Florida. I consider the electoral college to be a farce anyway. I think they should really have split the term. Bush for a year, Gore for a year, Bush's wife (whose name I cannot recall...) for a year, and Tipper for a year. Now that would be something to watch, wouldn't it? Spread the pain around, I say. Why should one poor sucker have to swallow all of it?

Carol - I do not consider a duel with grapes to be a very practical idea, but I'm considering it...

John - you're dead right! How could I have forgotten Microsoft???? I am chagrined! Humiliated! Humbled! Devastated! Thrown off my stride! Inconvenienced!

Carol - Remember when Bill & Opus ran for Pres & VP? Their slogan was "This Time...Why Not The Worst???" I loved that! They didn't win, however. Reagan did...thus realizing the very concept Bill & Opus had themselves proposed! Ironical, isn't it? Too bad Reagan was already married, or he could have wedded Maggie Thatcher and founded an American-British New World Order to endure for a thousand years. We could have nuked the commies while we still had the chance. Now it's too late. They've all gone to the free market economy. There's hardly anyone out there worth nuking anymore. Oh, Maggie was married too, I think, but she WORE THE PANTS!!! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! :-)

- LH