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Thread #32844   Message #434410
Posted By: katlaughing
06-Apr-01 - 01:04 AM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Req: Song of Amergin
Subject: RE: song of amergin
Some more verses and the rest of the above article:

Amergin, Bard of the Milesians, lays claim to the Land of Ireland

I am a stag: of seven tines,
I am a flood: across a plain,
I am a wind: on a deep lake,
I am a tear: the Sun lets fall,
I am a hawk: above the cliff,
I am a thorn: beneath the nail,
I am a wonder: among flowers,
I am a wizard: who but I
Sets the cool head aflame with smoke?

I am a spear: that roars for blood,
I am a salmon: in a pool,
I am a lure: from paradise,
I am a hill: where poets walk,
I am a boar: ruthless and red,
I am a breaker: threatening doom,
I am a tide: that drags to death,
I am an infant: who but I
Peeps from the unhewn dolmen, arch?

I am the womb: of every holt,
I am the blaze: on every hill,
I am the queen: of every hive,
I am the shield: for every head,
I am the tomb: of every hope.

Song of Amergin translated by Robert Graves, from The White Goddess, Faber and Faber Limited, 24 Russell Square London WC1. It appears here under the principle of Fair Use.


Secret of the Unhewn Dolmen
Who but I knows the secret of the unhewn dolmen?": This was Robert Graves key to the arrangement of the alphabet. Why?

The alphabet best explains itself when built as a dolmen of constants and threshold of vowels. A dolmen according to the Oxford American Dictionary is a prehistoric structure with a large flat stone laid across to upright ones. A dolmen is a sacred doorway. To the Celts a doorway was bridge between this world and the otherworld. A paradox that was in both worlds but in neither world at the same time. A dolmen would signify a doorway between worlds and a magical place. A dolmen is also a burial chamber or earth womb for a dead hero who is buried in the fetal position awaiting rebirth.

How are dolmen associated with calendars, Irish mythology tells of the flight of Diamurid and Grainne from Finn Mac Cool. For a year and a day they fled from Finn Mac Cool. The lunar calendar is year and a day and makes one solar year. Each night the lovers bedded by a fresh dolmen, Beds of Diamuird and Grainne are found in Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary and the West, all mark with a dolmens.

Calendar and the Dolmen The line "Who but I knows the secret of the unhewn dolmen" is spoken by the new year's child and is the threshold of the dolmen. The central triad of letters on the threshold O,U,E backwards is the sacred name of Dionysus EUO or in english EVOE. The five vowels also signify the five fold goddess of the white ivy leaf: birth, irritation, love, repose and death.

The months of the year start at the bottom of the left upright and wrap around the dolmen in a clockwise motion. The winter months at the bottom of the upright , furtherest from the sun then the spring months and the summer on the lintel(top) of the dolmen closest to the sun and the warmest months of the year. The righthand upright is the autumn months and the beginning of winter.

Male and Female Aspects Tree have either a male or female qualities. Trees like willow have strong feminine qualities. But the feminine aspects seems to be minimal in the Song of Amergin. There is mention of Hercules and Dionysus and strong association with the sun and the solar cycle, but where is the female aspect hidden? Remember the months of the year are based on the lunar cycle or the feminine. What has been lost in the modern translation of mythology is the fact that heroes like Achilles, Hercules and even Dionysus lived for a time disguised as maids in the women's quarters. In the Amergin Cycle (there are several version of the song) in which instances of the line "I have been a maiden ..." appear. In Classic Crete boys not old enough to bear arms (scotoi) where members of the womens quarters. Then when given arms the boy flies off like a royal griffin or hawk.