The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32849   Message #434510
Posted By: Les from Hull
06-Apr-01 - 07:27 AM
Thread Name: Non-Music: Place Name Query for UKers
Subject: RE: Non-Music: Place Name Query for UKers
I see that Robert Yeamans tried a similar trick to one we had in Hull at the same time - that of betraying the town to the King. He met the same end as the bloke who tried it in Hull. That Governor of Hull was replaced by another who turns out to be Ickle Dorritt's great, great-something-or-other.

Kat - the title Baronet is hereditary. Mostly you got the title by giving some money to James I, but that entitled you to be called Sir Bufton Tufton, Bart (the Bart stands for baronet, not for Bart Simpson who won't stand for anything). So, where's the money?

Those Bristol merchants with links to the Barbadoes (as they were called then) were usually in the sugar trade (and unfortunately the Slave Trade as well).

Another reason for somebody changing their family name was if some bloke only had daughters, the husband of number one daughter might change his surname so that he could inherit (it being a condition of the will).

Hope some of this helps
