Walrus, I've long known that, which doesn't mean I have to like it. I've also long known that sometimes two people are working on the same thing at the same time. In molecular spectroscopy where I worked results from Western researchers keep getting turned up as publishe about the dame time in Russian Journals, which nobody in the West ever read. The reason is that there was all sorts of crap about how so and so's theory fit well with 'dialectical materialism' and other such nonsence. Russians got thrown back by 25 years in genetics (crop reaearch on hybrid varieties) when Lysekno got Stalin's ear, and everyone had to intepret their work as fitting Lysenko's nonsense theories, or their work wasn't publishable.
Jeri, I know, I've played it, too. And sometimes my too slow typing (especially when I had a detailed answer that required some looking up) resulted in someone else beating me to it. But now I've gotten a paying job and soon won't be able to get here as often.