The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32563   Message #435067
Posted By: MAV
07-Apr-01 - 12:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwhacked-NINE!
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwhacked-NINE!

The surplus is revenue collected in excess of spending on everything including those things you mentioned.

"what does he think taxes are for anyway?"

He thinks taxes are for democrats to use as bait for buying votes from people they promise to but never help.

He also knows the only people "helped" are those self-serving do-nothing employees of deliberately flawed programs.

Since they're going to collect around $33 Trillion in the next 10 years, $1.25 Trillion is NOTHING!

The likelyhood is that due to the tax cut, federal revenue will increase, it has in the past.


"I'm not angry- and wasn't trying for a rebuttal.... your wordplay is quite typical of third graders......they think it's the height of sophistication to build on words and names, especially with scatological refinements"

I have no idea what you're talking about unless it's this....."Jesse Jackass, algor, Tom Da Ash hole and Garp"

Well since those guys don't post here and are public figures, they're fair game. I've certainly had much worse leveled at me by people on this forum, not to mention "Bush shite" etc.

Of course it's childish, they're childish. The four mentioned are all criminals and if you watch them in action, you can see them mugging it up for the folks back home and then ripping them off as soon as they're not looking. Of course Jackson shakes people down right out in the open.

"one poster regrets voting for the Bush ticket adding that not only have they messed up the Stock Market now they are messing up international relations as well"

All inside of 60 days huh? The market has been tanking for 9 months, and everybody knows Greenspan caused the current fiasco by jerking around with the interest rates.

We shall see internationally. He's not backing down from the murdering communists, he's on the right track.

"For my part I would gladly pay MORE tax to keep these projects and not spend my money on imported junk or a flashy lifestyle"

Please understand, you are still free to give your entire income to the government if you wish. I seriously hope you will consider doiong so.

I believe there should only be two tax rates, 3% for conservatives, 65% for liberals.

mav out