The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159389   Message #435193
Posted By: GUEST
07-Apr-01 - 11:07 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Lyke Wake Dirge (This Ae Nicht)
Subject: RE: Phrase from: LYKE WAKE DIRGE
From time to time I've posted to the Forum about a Folk Group from Darlington in Durham. I believe the group name was FOURUM. They sang a song called CORPSE WAY which is in SWALEDALE I believe.

VERSE ONE From Keldwheel Walk to Grinton Churchyard Two days journey and a night With John Blade's body on our shoulders Wrapped in linen clean and white (REFRAIN) Clean and white, clean and white, all dressed in linen clean and white.

Another song about taking the corpse long distances to the Churchyard.

I've yet to get lucky and find anyone who has ever heard of the group which seems a pity as their music was superb.