The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32891   Message #435367
Posted By: Paul G.
07-Apr-01 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: Tuners Revisited
Subject: RE: Tuners Revisited
About 4 years ago my wife bought me a Maestro MA2000 guitar tuner. It has both lights to indicate sharp and flat, as well as a *real* needle which points me to an exact 440 Hz tuning on any note (its chromatic). I love the damn thing. It managed to vanish about a year ago so I tried the Qwik Tune (marketed as the best selling chromatic tuner) with its digital "needle", as well as the clamp on. Hated them both. I found neither to allow me the speed of the Maestro in changing tunings or getting that one fussy string back in line. Depresion set in. No where on the planet could I locate another Maestro. Three weeks ago my wife finds the thing in a box under the bathroom sink. Never thought a person could be so happy about relcating a lost electronic guitar tuner, but its the best thing to happen in my musical life so far this year...If you can find the thing, jump on it! was (is?) manufactured by Gibson in Nashville Tennessee, USA.
