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Thread #6789   Message #435368
Posted By: Irish sergeant
07-Apr-01 - 04:20 PM
Thread Name: Civil War Ballads
Subject: RE: Civil War Ballads
Rincon Roy: You are correct that the San Patricios fought for the Mexican army. To clarify, they were Irishmen who initially joined the American Army and deserted to join the Mexican army. (Which is why Gen. Winfield Scott had a fair portion of them executed.) The song Lincoln and Liberty, written by Jesse Hutchinson borrowed the tune of Rosin the Beau. I'm not familiar with the song The Men of the West. Do the three songs share the same tune? In addition to the famed Irish Brigade of the Civil War, there was a unit know as the Clinch Rifles, raised in Georgia who fought for the Confederate cause. One of the best general in the CSA was Patrick Cleburne who had fought with the British Army in Crimea. He was killed at the battle of Franklin Tennesee. And by the way, The Streets of Laredo derives from The Bard of Armagh. Kindest reguards, NEil