The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32875   Message #435847
Posted By: JedMarum
08-Apr-01 - 02:25 PM
Thread Name: banjo
Subject: RE: banjo
I have been learning banjo, at my band's expense now for over a year. I love it. Even though I am a much beter guitar player then I am a banjo player, I just can't get enough banjo playing! Who wouldda think it? I am amazed at the differences between the instruments, and not just the obvious mechanics. And I amazed at the versatilty of the banjo. I use a long neck, open back Vega (a new one, from Deering) and it is a beautiful instrument. I use a bastardized three/four finger Scrugs style - but do a lot of brushing and half frailing stuff, too. We play primarily Celtic music, but have a distinct Blue Grass flavor. I have refrained (so far) from learning the claw hammer and/or frailing styles. I intend to move that way, but really want to develop my three and four fingered picking and left hand work before I work on some new stuff. Truth is; I LOVE IT! It's easy for me to sit down and practice thinking I'll work on some banjo parts for an hour or so - but it's always hard for me NOT to spend two or more. The damn thing's just hard to put down!

I may never be as good on banjo as I am on guitar - but who cares? I'm just having a great time!