The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32729   Message #435855
Posted By: JedMarum
08-Apr-01 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
Subject: RE: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
Seth - I haven't heard any credible comments about teh Chinese being enemies. I hope I nevr do. I agree with you, I worked in China for a short while and lved the people and would hate to see relations spin into a cold war or worse scenario - but I don't think that's likely. I do think you're dreaming though, if you think the Chinese government news is any more open the news from the White House. There is no comparison between an open press, and one controlled by a government in power (Chinese or otherwise). Flawed as it is, the Western (in this case primarily US) press is capable of releasing all the facts, rleavant and otherwise - maybe even with a good deal of spin, but we have so many competing sources of information that I feel like I can sort out the wheat from the chaff.

The US (spy) plane was operating well outside the international border (even the Chinese gov't now admits that). Two Chinese fighters approached the US plane. While we don't know the specifics of their approach on this mission, because our crew has been held by the Chinese, we know that the Chinese fighters have been dangerously close on these missions, and have been purposely flying in a dangerous manner to the US spy planes. These actions are well documented and have been the source of two official US complaints to the Chinese gov't. One of those complaints actually citied this particular Chinese pilot because he was endagering the lives of all with his reckless flying. It is ironic that he was indeed the pilot that struck the US plane.

Having said all of that, clearly no one wins by his death. I am hopeful this issue will be resolved soon.