The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32729   Message #436127
Posted By: GUEST,John Gray / Australia
08-Apr-01 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
Subject: RE: BS: Down and out in Hainan.
I can see the 24 US airmen doing a "Pueblo". How long was that ship's crew held prisoner - 7 Months ? Whilst the US gov't is in direct negotiations with the Chinese they ( the Chinese ) will draw it out as long as possible to achieve maximum embarrassment for them. Now, if it was my call, I'd pull all the American negotiators out and hand the problem to the UN and have them sort it out. Get Khofi (?) Annan on the job. My brief to the UN would be to get the Chinese to release the prisoners / hostages, yeah piss-off the word "detainees". Wasn't the UN set up to handle just these incidents ? With the UN on the job the negotiations may be just as protracted but at least I won't have to watch, on the TV news, the sight of American negotiators playing the part of limp dicks.

JG / F.M.E.