The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32858   Message #436355
Posted By: GUEST,Carol's Friend Don
09-Apr-01 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: Thumbpicks, Inventions, Plastic. Helllp!
Subject: RE: Thumbpicks, Inventions, Plastic. Helllp!
Rick, in the safety management business in the States, MEK is known as Methyl-Ethyl-Nasty, and requires some serious Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). I'm a little suprised that Canada even allows that stuff into your country. It is dangerous at every level, to inhale, touch, expose its vapors to your eyes, etc. If dropped on unprotected shoes, it will glue your toes to them from the inside. I don't have my Guidebook handy, but I believe it's flamability index is right up there with gasoline. There's no question it will do the job, but it's the atom bomb of chemical adhesives.

If you do decide to use the stuff, get a Material Safety Data Sheet ("MSDS" - a short form information sheet on it's effects, safe handling, back-up information and medical treatment) and follow every guideline. Otherwise, you could find yourself trying to remember the lyrics to "Mary Had a Little Lamb" while singing it through a hole in your cheek, and keeping rhythm with your stumps.