The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7177   Message #43828
Posted By: Bill Cameron
01-Nov-98 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: Lyr ADD: The Herring Song
Subject: RE: Lyric:The Herring Song
One of my all-time favorite albums, Songs of the Fishing --by Cilla Fisher, of course--contains these herring-specific songs:

Tatties and Herrin'

(Tatties and herrin', tatties and herrin' Your natural food is tatties and herrin')

The Isle of May

(No more herring swim, hard times are come For the bright herrings gone, and inshore life is done)

Caller Herrin'

(Wha'll buy my caller herrin? They're bonnie fish and halesome farin/Buy my caller herrin', New drawn frae the Forth)

Not the least of the record's appeal is that it has all the lyrics on the back cover...try that on a CD.

Bill in semi-sunny Eastern Ontario (my first msg on the Mudcat, which I just stumbled on a couple days ago)