The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33076   Message #439037
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
12-Apr-01 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: A Violet from Mother's Grave
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: A violet from Mother's Grave
Trying to print images from a browser is a pain in the bum, sure enough.  Here are two things you can do if you don't have image editing software from which you can print.

(1) Save the image files to your computer.  (2) Open a blank page in your text editor.  (3) Type the following: <center><img src="insert filename of image here" width="826" height="1053"></center>  Save the text page with an .html extension, in the same directory as the image, and open it in your browser; repeat the process for each image.  You probably won't be able to read the text, but the staff notation should be legible.  This will display the image at about the right size for printing on an A4 size sheet of paper; you may have to tweak the measurements, which are in pixels, to fit it to American paper sizes.  It works for me in IE, but for some reason Netscape prints only 1/4 of the blasted page.  Set your printer to a fairly high resolution if you can.

Alternatively (a bit easier), if you have Microsoft Word you can insert the images into pages in a document and re-size them there.  Same result; I imagine you can do it in other word processing programs, too.
