Interesting, creative, responsive to change?? Sure... but mature??? Me?????? Not on your life!!LOL!!!
"self-centred, sly, underhand, tactical, arrogant, non-team players are of benefit only to themselves."
you say self-centered, sly, tatical and non-team as if they are bad things.... If I don't look out for #1, sure as hell, nobody else is gonna!! And well, how often is arrogence just self confidence?? And underhand? Well.. it's an underhand world... step up and play the game or take yer ball and go home...
"As I always say "Nice Guys Get Shit On" " Naaah... weak willed, wet-girls blouse, nancying, coiwards get shit on...
oh, and Guest... while I do appreciate that there are people who are on my side as it were, I don't need any encouragement to be an asshole (a yodie-o, a yodie-o, a yodie-o)... I'm doin' just fine on my own!