The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33118   Message #439880
Posted By: GUEST,Don Meixner
13-Apr-01 - 01:26 PM
Thread Name: Historical Revisionism?
Subject: RE: Historical Revisionism?
I have to admit that in this case I could care less about the history of that area and whether revisionism is occurring. The history with a few considerations will be pretty much the same as when the French and English first met the Onondagas, or the Abenaki, or the Hurons. Trade occurred some people were treated fairly others weren't. Some white men behaved like savages and some Aboriginal Americains behaved in a stoic civilized manner. All the stuff of fanciful memory and Hollywood. I am concerned with the very notion of destroying a piece of art. Composition that is of a style no longer found except in civic meeting areas, libraries, entries and monuments. Ofcourse its easy for me to sit a continent away and call people in another country vandals for what is clearly their business. People of this same stripe once wanted the Pieta hidden away to remove from display the nakedness of Christ.

Behind a wall of birch panneling and red flocked wall paper is a mural that surrounds the great room and pub of an old hotel in Elbridge, NY . The center piece is over the fire place mantel and is a depiction of a man on horse back taking a tankard of ale from a serving girl below a sign that says "The Wayside Inn". The mural survived a fire but not the 1970's Now covered with a mirror this art by an unknown but talented muralist is lost forever because we entered the age of sports bars and auto racing. Half the walls are gone to allow for big TVs and and more seating space. Civility and charm has gone the way of the DoDo so we can watch a bunch of guys stick there foot in it and turn left.
