The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33096   Message #440320
Posted By: Banjer
14-Apr-01 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: Pain in tha arse
Subject: RE: Pain in tha arse
I think we need to step back and consider MattR's statement here.

'Hey Clinton! Get yerself a bran muffin!'

What did Matt really mean here? Was he suggesting that Clinton eat a bran muffin, thereby showing a regard for Clinton's overall well being? (Roughage, when properly eaten, is GOOD for the body)...OR, was he suggesting another means of introducing the muffin into the body, one which would ultimately cause stoppage and make Clinton more full of shit than he already is? I would think that Matt probably was concerned for the health and wellbeing of a fellow Mudcatter and therefore should be applauded for his humanitarian effort!