The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33096   Message #440459
Posted By: Peg
14-Apr-01 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: Pain in tha arse
Subject: RE: Pain in tha arse
Good gods-a-mighty, he just doesn't get it does he?????

So homeless people and starving babies are good little humans, but a young man murdered for being gay is a bad one?

Gee, what compassion.

It is bigots like yourself who contribute to the prejudice that caused a few "good ole boys" (probably latent homosexuals like yourself, Clinton) to torture Matthew Shepard and leave him for dead...and he died.

I especially love your informed discusison of the difference beteen a "homosexual" and a "flaming fag." Remind me again how many gay "friends" you have?

Bran muffins are not going to be enough...I would however recommend a dictionary (or at least spell-check).

Yes that is petty, to point to someone's typos and grammar; but saves me the energy of saying what I REALLY think of this asshole.

Oops, I did it anyway.

Happy Easter!