The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33096   Message #441114
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
15-Apr-01 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Pain in tha arse
Subject: RE: Pain in tha arse
Peg... you're so myopic that after this, I'm not responding to any of your posts again...

"homeless people and starving babies are good little humans, but a young man murdered for being gay is a bad one? "

I NEVER said that or even inferred that! learn to read what IS in front of you... no what YOUR AGENDA makes you want to see...

Believe what you want about my sexuality, but I am no more latently homosexual than any other male...

I have more than a few gay friends (one cannot have been a dance and a theatre actor without meeting lots of them!) And I talk with them using the language I use everyday... fortunately they are not PC nazis... just gay... For that matter... no one in my life is very PC... and that's just the way I want it... I prefer to hang out with REAL people...

"a dictionary (or at least spell-check)" Ohhh... I have bad typing and spelling... So fecking what?!?! Stick to the point if you're gonna discuss something with me...

And believe me Peg... you're opinion of my asshole is worth about the same as my opinion of yours... Neither one of them is worth a tinkers cuss...