The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33118   Message #441360
Posted By: sophocleese
15-Apr-01 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: Historical Revisionism?
Subject: RE: Historical Revisionism?
I like Rich M's post there. I just think it humourous that when the mural was painted showing bare breasts was meant to imply inferiority whereas now the kind of people I am associated with consider being able to show bare breasts is considered somehow superior. Times change. Perhaps the mural should just stay up a little longer until some white imperialist decides to take it down because he doesn't like to see the implication of superiority in a Native American Woman.

I have to admit to some divided feelings around a local monument in our nearby park. The uppermost figure on the central pillar is Samuel de Champlain looking dramatic in flowing cape with his hand on his sword. On the pillars on either side of him are shown, in balancing tableaus, Commerce and Christianity being brought to the natives. In each of these a trader or a priest, standing,is being looked up to by two kneeling native men in loin cloths and a few feathers. Every time I see it part of me shudders at the ideas represented, another part of me admires the fine craftsmanship that went into it, and part of me hopes desperately that we have progressed at least a little beyond that. Short of removing it completely from the park the only other useful idea of what to do with the statue I can come up with is to have Sammy holding a flickering flourescent arrow pointing across the lake to Casino Rama. The steps below it serve as useful seats during the local Scottish Festival.