The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33096   Message #441782
Posted By: GUEST,UB Dan
16-Apr-01 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Pain in tha arse
Subject: RE: Pain in tha arse
Kat, I didn't realize you have a past unresolved conflict with Clinton. What I was suprised at was that, in the context of this thread, Peg was accusing Clinton of condoning or encouraging the brutal murder of anyone. Sorry about the incorrect identification of your sexuality, but I don't think that changes the message I was trying to convey. My surprise wasn't that you thought Clinton might be offended if he were called gay, but rather that you thought a good offensive remark was to call Clinton gay...subtle difference (like imply and infer it only matters which side of the fence you are on).

I can understand your dislike of a word...but from what I gather from this thread and going back to the Ashley thread (I read it to gain perspective). You dislike Clinton for using an offensive term and Clinton dislikes Ashley for either engaging or claiming to engage in an offensive act (pedophilia). I'm not saying you are as bad as Clinton, I'm saying Clinton is no worse than you...I may need to read more older threads, but I don't see any explicit attack on all gay people...only one implied from his use of a term which you object too (which, as I said, I understand). Perhaps he would be more receptive to a suggestion that was not given in such a acidic manner. No one likes it when confronted with amoral superior attitude...

Perhaps I just need to know more of the history between you all though. Peg's attack on Clinton came at about the same time she was calling me an asshole...I thought that if they were both based on the same thought and logic she gave to attacking me, I could only assume that Clinton, himself was responsible for single handedly saving the life of every single gay person on both sides of the equator.