The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33096   Message #441846
Posted By: Sourdough
16-Apr-01 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: Pain in tha arse
Subject: RE: Pain in tha arse
Whew! I couldn't read all the way through this thread. It isn't pleasant seeing normally thoughtful and positive people being driven into such anger by the prodding of someone who seems to enjoy lighting fuses more than he does exploring an issue but then, perhaps he is so sure that he is correct, he does not need further input that might modify or change his position. The worst part, though, is he manages to bring forward the less than best parts of others. This is not a valuable skill.

The reason I opened this thread in the first place was curiousity about a thread name had attracted so many posts. The first post, anyway, made me smile. Again it was a GUEST who had discovered the value in Clinton Hammond's posts.

So many GUESTS have a lot to contribute and many of them join Mudcat when they see what it has to offer. It seems tha there are a few who come to Mudcat, discover Clinton Hammond, write a message or two in his support and disappear.
