The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33118   Message #442352
Posted By: Grab
17-Apr-01 - 06:18 AM
Thread Name: Historical Revisionism?
Subject: RE: Historical Revisionism?
If it really is offensive in its current state, then by all means move it, but don't destroy it. If it's just the breasts then the argument falls down rather - art galleries would have some serious problems then! But if it's in the way the "natives" are portrayed, then fine, remove it.

That's not to say the fact of how the natives dressed and how they traded with whites is any different, it's merely being tactful. It would be pretty callous (and probably dangerous!) to paint a mural of black slaves looking like savages (in the style of many Victorian paintings) in the middle of Washington, for instance!

But that does rely on it really being offensive, and many ppl complaining about it. If it's just one militant group who are just looking for an excuse to piss on ppl, then screw'em.
