The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33118   Message #442476
Posted By: Kim C
17-Apr-01 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: Historical Revisionism?
Subject: RE: Historical Revisionism?
This reminds me of a story. When I was a little kid, my grandmother lived next door to an old woman we always called Miss Jane. She was a widow and had no children except for a nephew who helped her out once in a while. She had a beautiful house. Anyway Miss Jane had gone to art school when she was a girl, and several of her paintings hung on the walls. After she died, and her belongings were sold at auction, my aunt bought several things: a dining table, chairs, a buffet, and one of the paintings.

It's a beautiful thing, an almost life-size depiction of a lovely nymph dancing on the water, with this diaphanous white garment enshrouding her. The story goes that when Miss Jane brought the painting home from art school, the nymph was nekkid! Miss Jane's mother had a FIT and said Jane you put some CLOTHES on that thing!

So she took a bottle of white shoe polish and painted on some clothes. :-)

I guess my question regarding the mural would be, did Native American women in that area go about topless? Because some did, and some didn't. If they didn't, then the mural is historically inaccurate, but could still survive as an example of artistic license. If they did, well, I don't guess anyone can gripe about it.