I use HATEFUL language sometimes (period, full stop!) because there are things that I hate... Like pedophiles, rapists, car-jackers, starvation, abouse, just to name a few... When I tralk about them, I use every hateful tool in the english language bag of tricks because I like too...I've even used the word "Mudcatter" as a slur!
I'm also tickled pink (read into that what you will) that you people care enough about my willie and where I put it, to have this discussion... I feel all John Holmsian at having a 78+ post thread about my 'cack'!
MT... Nice point... I'd never though of that before... I like the way you put it... It reminds me of the babble that some zelot X-tians have tried to use on me to 'convert' me...
"there's only one god", they say...
"how do you know" I ask...
"the bible says so" is their response...
Not worth a pile of dingo's kidneys, and argument like that...