The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33302   Message #443063
Posted By: Jim Dixon
17-Apr-01 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mississippi Floods
Subject: RE: BS: Mississippi Floods
I live in St. Paul and work in Minneapolis. My regular route to work is detoured because of the flood. That's not hurting anybody, though; it's only a public park, and the road right next to it, that's under water. Across the river from downtown St. Paul, Holman Field, a small airport, is closed, and I think a few other low-lying roads are closed. We've learned our lesson, here. Nobody lives on the flood plain. The low ground is nearly all parks and roads.

Last weekend I drove to La Crosse, Wisconsin, and back. U. S. Highway 61, which follows the river on the Minnesota side, was open then, but I hear part of it has been closed, I think near Lake City. We saw a few houses in the water near there. Parts of Highway 35, which follows the Mississippi on the Wisconsin side, were closed on Sunday, north of Winona.

From my point of view, it's more interesting than worrisome. Near where I live, the river cuts a deep gorge, and the houses on either side are on bluffs, I'd guess 50 feet above the water. No worry about floods here.