The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33096   Message #443168
Posted By: mousethief
18-Apr-01 - 12:24 AM
Thread Name: Pain in tha arse
Subject: RE: Pain in tha arse
Just because somebody calls names doesn't mean nobody can call HIM names. Now THAT is absurd.

He is a bigot. He uses homophobic language and has done repeatedly on this board even though people have called him on it

I never contradicted any part of this description.

For you to demonize me with this picayunish nonsense about what a "low blow" (Freudian slip?) it is to infer he is a latent homosexual because he is such a homphobe is to basically give tacit approval to Clinton's attitudes and language.

Not in the least. To say that it's wrong to punch Harry is not to condone Harry's punching you. As I pointed out, I am also offended by Clinton's language. You somehow seem to think that if someone is offensive, "anything goes" in what you say to/about him in response. This is wrong. Two wrongs do NOT make a right.

Latent homosexuality has a very specific meaning and context

It's psychobabble bullshit and, as I said before, it has no place in discussion.

your rather lame attempt to draw a parallel by using the word "latent" to apply to something it does not apply to, is, like I have said already a couple of times, missing the point.

Ooooh, now we're getting NASTY. My analogy was "lame" was it? How good are you at analogies? How much training in rhetoric or logic do you have?

As was pointed out above, "latent" doesn't apply to homosexuality any more than it applies to child molestation. Just because a bunch of psychobabblers have used it in psychobabble books doesn't mean it MEANS anything, or has any corresponding reality outside those books.

I don't really care what YOUR issue is; if you use bullshit logic to defend it, then you're guilty of using bullshit logic. I was not acting as a defender of Clinton here. I think he was wrong and have said so.

In my "attack" on the term "latent homosexuality" I am acting not as a defender of Clinton, but as a defender of rationality. I'm sorry you don't see the difference, as you have repeatedly admitted.

Finally, I don't have anything against you (yet); I am just responding to what is being said. I don't care if it were said by Santa Claus or by the Masked Marvel; if it's bullshit, it's still bullshit.
