The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33288   Message #443199
Posted By: Jimmy C
18-Apr-01 - 01:30 AM
Thread Name: Timothy McVeigh
Subject: RE: Timothy McVeigh
We do not have the right to take a life except in self defense, even the life of someone like McVeigh. Jail him for life, but not in these so called jails that are more like hotels. BTW it is more expensive to execute someone than to keep them in jail. All the lawyers fees, appeals, stays of execution etc all amount to more than the cost of a lifetime in prison. Put him away but televise his lonely, hopeless existence from time to time, that would be a better deterrent than killing him. Make a video of him wasting away in a prison cell and use it in schools to get the message across that crime does not pay. His execution would have little effect, we see worse in movies and on TV every day. Innocent unborn children are being killed in their thousands every year and it is hardly noticed, why should the death of a madman be anything special.