The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33118   Message #443635
Posted By: Kim C
18-Apr-01 - 02:35 PM
Thread Name: Historical Revisionism?
Subject: RE: Historical Revisionism?
No breastfeeding in public, huh? What do they think those things are FOR, anyway? (It ain't just so mens can have somethin to ogle.) Do they think babies have always nursed on FORMULA out of a f*****g bottle fercryinoutloud? I don't understand why you can walk into any market and see a magazine cover with a half-naked woman appearing to remove what little clothes she's wearing, and they're worried about breastfeeding! Most women put a blanket over their shoulder so you can't see nothin nohow. JEEZ-o-pete!

Are we to pretend now that breasts were never for feeding infants? That's revisionism if EVER I heard it.

Give em hell, Kendall.