The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33288   Message #443678
Posted By: GUEST,Just Wondering
18-Apr-01 - 03:52 PM
Thread Name: Timothy McVeigh
Subject: RE: Timothy McVeigh
An interesting response Amergin. It raises even more questions. Would we actually employ, ie pay a person(s) to rape Mr. McVeigh? How would we recruit such a person(s)? Would they be paid by the government and would this punishment be carried out in a government institution under controlled conditions? Or would we throw him to a mob, always assuming of course that there would be present those capable of performing this act? How many times should he be raped in order to degrade him enough? How would we get around the fact that rape is a crime? Would we institutionalize it and make it a regular method of punishment? I guess anything is possible as we have already institutionalized murder (ie, execution), as a legal way of disposing of our problems. Just Wondering....