The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33096   Message #444441
Posted By: GUEST,UB Dan
19-Apr-01 - 11:57 AM
Thread Name: Pain in tha arse
Subject: RE: Pain in tha arse
"Actually, that would be outright vindictiveness

UB Dan...the latent nice guy"

Where is the bigotry? Where is the serious comment that I then turned around claiming to be a joke. It is a play on the outright vs. latent discussion that was being carried out and which you joined into (i.e. "why would someone "flame" you for trying to be humorous? Hmm, sounds like latent vindictiveness there... ") No offense was was just subtlety and wit(no innuendo).

"I understand humor fine" -I'm not sure you do

"it's bigotry that baffles and angers me." - try not to be so baffled, you have some good points to make and the right feelings are there, but often they get clouded by your anger and bafflement. Try not to be so quick to judge somebody.