The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33394   Message #444744
Posted By: Bert
19-Apr-01 - 05:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: oh Canada!!!
Subject: RE: BS: oh Canada!!!
Not that you don't have a right to be proud, 'course you do, Canada is a great country, but don't diminish your argument by claiming what is know to have originated elsewhere.

4. Baseball is derived from, and is recognizable as, an old game called rounders that was played in England long before there was a Canada.
8. Apple pie? Thought that was English.
11. Canadians actually are the only people in the world who know anything about the war of 1812. No one else knows who started it, who won it or even what it was fought for.
21.Penicillin was known in England for many hundreds of years. Trouble is that many doctors who used it were burned as witches. It was known, and I should imagine it was also used, in France as it is what gives Roquefort Cheese it's blue veining. 23. But when are you going to learn to brew a beer that's worth carrying home?