The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33394   Message #444778
Posted By: GUEST
19-Apr-01 - 05:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: oh Canada!!!
Subject: RE: BS: oh Canada!!!
Clinton, one of your points is: "12. Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to Germany."

If you actually know your Canadian history, you'll recall that during World War II, much of the French Canadian leadership in both the provincial government of Quebec and the then-all-powerful Catholic Church, were highly supportive of France's Vichy Regime of Nazi puppets, and, in some cases, the Nazis themselves. French Canadians also violently rioted against the conscription (draft) of French Canadians into the army to fight the Nazis during WWII. If German forces had actually made it across the ocean, there would have been no need for surrender, they would have been welcomed.