The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33362   Message #445148
Posted By: Terry K
20-Apr-01 - 02:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: No such thing as British...
Subject: RE: BS: No such thing as British...
There are many rights and wrongs and many in-betweens. The only absolute I can claim in this thread is that it's only people who know BUGGER ALL about cricket that make facile and supercilious remarks about the English cricket team losing. We are currently rated third in the world (that's the WHOLE world incidentally), in real cricket and it's about time someone applauded our successes. I'm fed up with reading inanely smug comments which clearly come from within a protective veil of ignorance.

Oh and perhaps a little more on-topic - there really are only three races. Note that Caucasian not only includes we "British" but also includes (inter alia) the whole of the Indian sub-continent, North America and all the Arab nations. The "race card" is however played by all sides all the time and is officially allowed to continue via the Race Relations Board. There was a case recently where some Scottish person claimed that he had been racially discriminated against by the English. I recall it was something about the Scottish national diet being so bad - apparently some survey implied they like everything to be "20% fat free".

Cheers, Terry