The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33394   Message #445216
Posted By: gnu
20-Apr-01 - 07:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: oh Canada!!!
Subject: RE: BS: oh Canada!!!
Guest,elg said...In the spirit of bi-national bipartisanship, one might well note the MANY things that Canada and the U.S. have done TOGETHER. From the profoundly important (taking 3 of the 5 invasion beaches in the Normandy Invasion of 1944, the first definitive assault on the obscene evil of Nazi Germany)...

Right on. Sounds like a great idea for a thread.

Re Normandy in '44.... let's not forget the Canadians who died at Dieppe in August of '42 so that Normandy could succeed. For those who don't recall the Dieppe Raid, try this....