The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31435   Message #446300
Posted By: Susanne (skw)
21-Apr-01 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: Thro' the Recent Years (A Fisher/B Dickson)
Subject: RE: info req on Archie Fisher/B.Dickson disc
John, this is more than I'd bargained for! Thanks for replying. At the very least, now I know the correct spelling of your surname ...
Yes, like all global players, Henry and I cooperate: He provides the site, I the content :-). However, 'Doomsday' and 'Where Are You Now' are both in the Forum, though they don't seem to have been harvested yet. Arthur and Sheena is correct, and I'll certainly watch out for Paddie Bell's recording.
BTW: Is it true you wrote 'Man You Meet' (or whatever correct title) specially for Iain Mac, as he claims? Nice song, too, and spot on for a lot of artistes, I'd think! (I might start a new thread: Worst encounter with a punter you can remember?)
Maybe I'll meet you in Scotland some day.