The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33412   Message #446307
Posted By: gnu
21-Apr-01 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chain them women - AGAIN
Subject: RE: BS: Chain them women - AGAIN
Yo !!!! What culinary delight is for our evening repast ce soir ? I just got back from a wild session with three Scots pipers and two drummers - not Hranners, real pipe band drummers. Tapped my feet, clap my hands, and ENJOYED.

I am jacked for a really good scoff. Who's got a recipe ? Last night was the delicious chilled orange and carrot soup, which I shall be giving a whirl soon.

I don't have a dozen roses or even a partridge to give away to the "Chef Soiree", but that shouldn't deter the spirit.... let's have another recipe, anyone ?