The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7406   Message #44682
Posted By: Ralph Butts
09-Nov-98 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Gonna get a Mandolin
Subject: RE: Gonna get a Mandolin
Whoa, Hank...

1. Is the mando what you want to play? Teeny fingerboard, need agility.

2. Do you want to play in a group? Mando not that great by itself.

3. Music store will loan (rent) you instruments to learn on.

4. A good music store will let you play everthing they've got - to your heart's content.

5. What kind of music do you like - want to play?

There are many other considerations - perhaps you've thought it out already and decided. Don't pay a lot for a new instrument, though, until you're convinced that's what's best for you. Some say it takes years to find the right instrument. I don't agree, but I do think it's better to go slow, find out what sounds good (and why), discuss options with your friends. A good music will be a great help and will not pressure you.

Well, there's my $0.02. I'm sure the Mudcat mavens will all chime in too.

Good lock.....Tiger