The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33575   Message #449101
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
25-Apr-01 - 12:17 PM
Thread Name: O Brother vs. Morons
Subject: RE: O Brother vs. Morons
Spaw, I can sympathize with Karen. Even here in the "Heartland," Wichita KS America, there is only ONE reasonably good country music station (AM, of course) that plays the oldies (yes, even some Ralph Stanley, Bill Monroe, George Jones, and thank the gods, Willie, Waylon, and a bunch more of the Outlaws). It's the only station ever played in either of our vehicles, when we're not playing tapes or CDs--which is mostly.

Midchuck, I love that "Garth Vader"--I'd never heard him called that, but boy, does it suit! IMO, that gentleman is at least half a bubble off of plumb.

Larry Cordle, who wrote "Murder on Music Row," is a sterling example of the never-had-a-hit school, but have you checked out "Black Diamond Strings" on that same album? Great story to that song, too.

And Matt, lighten up--how can you have it both ways? "Music changes through time! Get over it!" and "... if thumping and screeching was good enough for pre-Columbian Native Americans, it's good enough for me" are oxymorons. I'm perfectly willing to let you buy all the Shania Barbie and Garth Vader your eardrums can stand; just don't expect me to enjoy it when you pull up next to me at a stop light with the bass on your stereo thudding so loud it shakes my pickup. You're drowning out my Coming Home to Winfield tape, damn it.

And yes, the music can still be found. Around here, it's mostly "made by hand" in the small clubs and private jams.
