The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33575   Message #449231
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
25-Apr-01 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: O Brother vs. Morons
Subject: RE: O Brother vs. Morons
I believe that the cycle in most music begins at the grassroots, a spontaneous generation of sound with a local or "cult" following, and then develops into the commercial flowering of that sound. This is a "bottom-up" evolution by which a unique or revolutionary music comes to popular attention. Unfortunately, it becomes at that point Pop Music, and the commercial powers that be then decide that they know what's going to be best for the listeners, and the trend becomes "top-down".

But have no fear, for the cycle repeats itself: Folk and Blues made a comeback in the mid-sixties just when commercial pop was at its most maudlin, Punk smashed Glam-rock in the chops just when the life was going out of it, and Roots Music has the potential to cut through the current Vogue-Cover Nashville Scene like a hot knife through butter.